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Friday, May 1, 2009

The Kingdom Prism: A May Day Poem

The Kingdom Prism:  A May Day Poem
by Chad M. Krouse

Red, the color of love, the color of blood, the color of revolution.  
The blood of the martyrs, shed for Him.
The blood of our Lord, shed for us.
Red, the longest wavelength discernible to the human eye.

Who are these?  These are those who passed through the great ordeal
and have been washed white in the blood of the Lamb.
Red refracted through the Kingdom prism begets pure white.

You, God, have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth.
"This is my blood which is shed for you, so that every sin may be forgiven."  Red on earth makes white in heaven; 
so fight for the poor,
the widow,
the hungry,
the naked,
and the marginalized.

Truly, let justice roll down like a torrent of red transformed into heavenly white, for God's Divine Commonwealth is among us. 


This poem has been published on the Anglo-Catholic Socialism website.  Click on this link to view the poem there.


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