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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Charles Gore, CR

The tomb of The Rt. Rev. Chares Gore, CR
The Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield, West Yorkshire

I like Charles Gore. I dig his theology--catholic and ardent Anglican. In our Doctrine courses, we are asked to select a theologian and then argue the various church doctrines through that theologian's words. I, of course, chose Gore. I even keep an old photograph of him on my desk in my study. A bit over the top? Nah.

I venerated the tomb of Blessed Charles when I stayed at Mirfield. I suspect that he's turned over and over in his grave with the rise of Anglo-Papists in the seminary college. I join with him in weeping for the Church of England. Pray for the Church!

The Altar at the foot of the Tomb of Gore.


Anonymous said...

From "Christ and Society"

We must note that the scriptural idea of "the kingdom of God" or "of heaven" is never merely that of "the reign" or "sovereignty of God," as some moderns have led us to suppose: it is always that of the reign of God as embodied in Israel. It is not an abstract idea but an embodied ideal . . .

The establishment of the kingdom of God must involve the final overthrow of all godless tyrannies, the unquestionable victory over all arrogant and cruel institutions and societies. Thus the Day of God is to be a day of judgment.

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