The only fisherman who will tell the truth about where the fish are biting is your father. And if your really lucky, which fly to tie on. Don't bother asking anyone else, you'll get a fish story.
The annual father-and-sons fishing adventure saw another season in 2010 on the remote rivers in southwest Virginia. Knee-deep in the summer stream with cowpies about and copperheads sunning on nearby rocks, I ask what more could any fisherman ask for? Well, fish, of course. Trout to be exact.
The annual father-and-sons fishing adventure saw another season in 2010 on the remote rivers in southwest Virginia. Knee-deep in the summer stream with cowpies about and copperheads sunning on nearby rocks, I ask what more could any fisherman ask for? Well, fish, of course. Trout to be exact.

I admit there were times when I begrudgingly went along on those fishing trips with my dad and brother. It seems my older brother was always eager and I was always looking for excuses. I could not for the life of me understand why my dad was insistent upon this annual venture. What is it about taking your sons out into the wilderness in search of these slimy, cold water fish? Understandably, no teenager could solve that riddle, it took becoming a father myself to grasp an answer. It goes without saying that fatherhood changes the game of life completely--it's no longer about YOU but about THEM. Sharing your passions with those you love is a profound exercise of trust and fidelity, especially when you reveal the choicest fishing holes or that a copperjohn fly is the best for this stream.
So the answer of course is priceless. A bad day fishing is always better than any good day at work. Adding your son or daughter (or both in my case) only sweetens the deal. It's not about catching fish, even though that's always the stated premise. It's about doing something timeless together without distraction and without the pressures of everyday life. And yes it's true, time manages to stop temporarily as you wade deep into the streams.
Time, flies, and lies make up the passion of fly fishing. It's magic worked on me, I no longer drag my feet at an invitation. I get it now and it makes sense. Something tells me that my own children will probably act just as I did.