My research focuses on Pierre de Chaignon la Rose (1872-1941) and his ecclesiastical and scholastic design work which sparked a revolution in US corporate heraldry during the early-to-mid 20th Century. I like to share some of my findings here in anticipation of a forthcoming book on the herald. I am a Member of the Order of St. John (US Priory) and currently serve on the Board of Governors of the American Heraldry Society and Board of Directors of the College of Arms Foundation.
I hold memberships with the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada, The Heraldry Society (UK), the White Lion Society (UK), and an associate membership with the NEHGS Committee on Heraldry (US).
Please get in touch with me at chad(dot)m(dot)krouse(at)gmail(dot)com
The Feast of St Peter’s Chair 2025
Truly it is worthy and just, right and profitable to salvation to praise
Thee, o God, who art wondrous in thy Saints, and in them hast greatly been
The Getty Murúa III – A Postcolonial Perspective
This is the third and final installation of a blog series taking a closer
look at the fictional coats of arms in the Getty Murúa. The first post
explored t...
One of “The Quints” for Chicago
On Wednesday, February 26 the Most Rev. Lawrence John Sullivan (59), a
priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago for the last 33 years, will be
ordained as the ...
Sassy Republic Flag
An unfocused group masterpiece, where an artist is allowed to create art.
Sassy goes where Morty and Rick tried to go, where the Yellow Submarine
One I missed from an auction 10th March 2021
Here's one that I missed. Sold for £130 on the 10th March 2021 at Dominic
Winter Auctions.
Lot 373
Heraldry - Edmondson (Joseph). Collection of 154 eng...
Gold Star Houses
While preparing an architectural history presentation I am delivering for
Barrington Preservation Society’s plaque program this week, I learned from
my co-...
Several Proclamations and a Funeral
Gregor Macaulay Following longstanding precedents, the accession of King
Charles III as Sovereign of the United Kingdom was proclaimed by Garter
King of Ar...
Heralds' Diary Monday 12th September 2022
The Service of Thankskgiving for the life of the Queen took place at St
Giles' Cathedral on Monday 12th September, Her Majesty's children walking
RENAMING PRINCIPLES | Harvard's Questions
Old Harvard Law School arms,
with Royall badges,
*wheat sheaves* or *garbs*. July 26, 2021—The "Rhodes Must Fall" initiative
has provoked discussion at O...
"How Could They?" Palm Sunday, 2017
As we sit here in the midst of passiontide we cannot help but feel the
incredible tensions inherent in this day. Even as the echo of sweet
“Hosannas” reso...
We Need to Talk
Sermon for Epiphany 4A
Micah 6:1-8
You know what? I’m a grown man. I’m not afraid of the dark, anymore. I can
walk confidently through most days. It’s good...
First Meeting for 2017 to be held in Sydney
MEETING ON SATURDAY 11 FEBRUARY 2017 Our first meeting for 2017 will
feature a presentation titled: THE FREEMASONS’ ARMS: Heraldry On The Level
to be deliv...
The haligweorc blog has moved. It can now be found at The St. Bede’s Breviary can be found at the
following links: BREVIARY LINK...
Schedule Updates: Heraldry Talks in New York City
Schedule Updates as of 1 February 2014:
Hello, friends. Here are some items for your calendar. Hope you can join us
soon! The following events are free, op...
What’s old is new again. *Hudson’s Bay Company* has introduced a new logo
for its national retail chain that draws on the retailer’s heritage but
does so...
There’s a crevice, below which is a deep darkness once terrifying, now
safety of an unruly kind surrounds this place! Petals used to bloom above,
memory re...
Spring Things at School
Today Tucker had a Mother's Day Tea at his school. He gave a me a planted
flower in a pot that he decorated and a sweet card decorated with his
Holy Name Cathedral
I spent my Independence Day with a friend who lives and ministers in my See
City. After an excellent dinner (roasted aspargus and potatoes, and grilled
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