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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New Foundations: the Society of Jesus Compassionate

It was a long and storied road that brought together four men in Washington, DC for the Feast of St. Columba.  Following much discernment and prayer, these four professed vows during a simple eucharist in order to establish the Society of Jesus Compassionate (SJC).  Our rule is simple.  Our vows were simple.  We vowed to one another and to the Episcopal Church--to uphold the doctrine, discipline, and worship of her.  Nothing fussy, nothing overly romantic, simply four brothers promising to one another to be in community with Christ as the center.  We are one priest and three lay brothers.    

It was a long process for me to consider this new enterprise; I fully stand in support of those seeking to live the common life in Christ under vows.  Moreover, I appreciate the genuine love and intentionality of my new SJC brothers.  Our new habits will be unveiled when we gather for our winter retreat in Augusta, Georgia.  Already, we have received many prayers and supporters from within the Church. 

I ask your prayers for us as we journey together towards Emmaus.  We live in Atlanta, Baltimore, Richmond, and Washington, DC.  We are aware of the challenges posed by a dispersed community, but feel a deeper bond by our common experience in Christ.  What joy!  What an amazing journey.


Anonymous said...

Brother, you continually have my support and prayers as your journey unfolds.

Dr. Chad M. Krouse said...

Thank you Eric! Very happy with this move. My best toy and Heather.

Dr. Chad M. Krouse said...

* to you and....

The Rusty Buddha said...

Hi Bro. Chad: I've been in touch with Bro. Charlie Overstreet and feel his excitement about this new opportunity. I have some questions about the Rule of the order and wonder where I might find more information about it. I am resisting a call which can only be gracefully resolved if I know more about your work. My own desire is, as Mother Teresa said, "To look for the face of Jesus in all the back alleys." Each of you four founders is in a different city, so that is curious to me, but I'm still interested in learning more about SJC. Please direct me, Russ

Dr. Chad M. Krouse said...

Russ, please forgive my delay as I've been absent from my blog for a holiday. Please email me at and I'll point you in the right direction.


Chad SJC

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