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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Some Recent Emblazonments

Coat of arms, St. Francis de Sales Seminary in St. Francis, WI, designed by la Rose.
Rendered by Chad Krouse, 2024.

Lots going on as spring is proving to be rather busy.  I want to quickly share a few emblazonments that I recently completed.  As a true novice messing around with digital artwork, I sincerely appreciate how Pierre de Chaignon la Rose (1872-1941) reuses certain base charges throughout his heraldic work.

Regarding the arms of St. Francis de Sales Seminary (seen above), I sent multiple file versions to the school in appreciation for their assistance in my research.  Likewise, I did the same for the arms of St. John's Cathedral (seen below) and the rector was most appreciative.  It feels good to keep these works of art alive!  Enjoy.

Coat of arms, the American Heraldry Society.
Rendered by Chad Krouse, 2024.

Coat of arms, St. John's Cathedral and Parish, Quincy, IL designed by la Rose.
Rendered by Chad Krouse, 2024.

Coat of arms, the Archdiocese of Chicago designed by la Rose.
Rendered by Chad Krouse, 2024.

Coat of arms, the Archdiocese of Baltimore designed by la Rose.
Rendered by Chad Krouse, 2024.

Coat of arms, the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta designed by la Rose.
Rendered by Chad Krouse, 2024.

Coat of arms, Father Ryan Catholic High School, Nashville, TN designed by la Rose.
Rendered by Chad Krouse, 2024.

Coat of arms, the St. George's Society of New York, devisal by the College of Arms.
Rendered by Chad Krouse, 2024.

Coat of arms, Mundelein College (now closed) in Chicago, IL designed by la Rose.
Rendered by Chad Krouse, 2024.


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