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Monday, March 22, 2010

Hungry For Change: Food, Inc.

The documentary film, Food, Inc., came out this fall and is the work of filmmaker Robert Kenner.  I rented it last night on i-Tunes and was captivated.  Think you know the real source of your food?  Do you know how many products in the grocery store contain corn or corn-related by-products?  Do you realize how few companies are controlling the food sources--from seed to supermarket--in this global economy?  

While I don't think this film will turn you into a vegetarian, it will certainly make you think twice when you are in the check-out line buying food for you or your family.  The film is well made, I think, and covers poultry, pork, beef, corn, and soybeans.  My favorite is the philosopher-farmer in Virginia, you'll know him when you see him!  Join the chase of the "seed nazis" who stop at nothing to protect their patent rights in the farm fields of America.  Be advised, there are some scenes showing how animals are slaughtered, but it's not the end of the world.  Watch it, it's well worth the hour-and-a-half of your time.

The makers of the film have created a website, Hungry For Change, where you can find out more information and ways to make a change in your food.  

Sunday, March 21, 2010

England Gets Ready for the Pope

As if England does not have enough preparations for the forthcoming Olympics in London, now the island has to get ready for an official papal visit, the last one occurred in 1982 by Pope John Paul II.  With the official invitation from Queen Elizabeth II extended, Pope Benedict XVI will be making a state visit to England this September.  The English Conference of Catholic Bishops have created a website concerning the visit, click here for the site.

While I do not consider myself a pope-watcher, I am interested in this particular visit because of the Pope's admiration for Cardinal John Henry Newman, whose beatification will be conducted in Coventry during the Pope's visit.

The Pope is to be received by the Queen at Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh, and Archbishop Rowan Williams is also scheduled to meet with Benedict XVI.

Photos from the 1982 visit, from the English Conference of Bishops website.

Pope John Paul II with Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcie

A double-whammy blessing.  Show me the rubrics!

I wonder what the Prince of Wales had to say.  Bit crowded on the couch.

Oscar Romero's Cause for Sainthood

Blessed Newman

With one miracle accepted by the Holy See, Cardinal John Henry Newman is scheduled to be beatified by Pope Benedict XVI later this spring during his visit to England.  In order to be elevated to sainthood, one more miracle will need to be attributed to the cardinal and accepted by Rome.