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Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Arms of The Rev. Alfred Hope Patten

The arms of The Rev. A. Hope Patten as found on his bookplate.
Rendered by Chad Krouse,  2024.

As I was scanning old files on my computer, I came across this photograph of a bookplate belonging to The Rev. Alfred Hope Patten (1885-1958), the English priest who was the man behind the restoration of the Anglican Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham.  I honestly think I got this photograph from a book that was being auctioned off on eBay which explains the quality.  Note the use of two black tassels from the gallero.

Nulla Pallescere Culpa roughly translates to "To turn pale at no crime."

Click here to view my post of the heraldry at the Anglican Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Heraldry and the like

Crest:  On a wreath a cardinal erased clutching in its beak a lilly seeded proper.
Assumed by the author, 1 June 2014.
Ever since my days as a student at Hampden-Sydney College, I have had a fascination with the subject of heraldry.  More specifically, I love the meaningful display of symbols which layers the history and stories of the person or corporation bearing those arms.  Hampden-Sydney received an honorary grant of arms from the College of Arms in London in 1976 as part of the college's bicentennial celebrations.  The heralds executed an attractive blazon which bears the symbols of both John Hampden and Algernon Sydney, for which the college is named.  Staring at these arms for four years made me curious to learn more about the arcane subject of heraldry.

I drew the crest above as part of my own assumption of arms.  Since there is no legal arms granting body in the US, any person who wishes to bear arms can and may do so--much like the medieval times.  I chose the cardinal as it represents the state of my birth (West Virginia) and my adopted home state (Virginia).  The cardinal, surprisingly, makes few appearances on coat amour and mainly in North America.  Personally, I find the cardinal to be quite noble.

Arms of the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia

Arms of Prince George County, Virginia

Arms of the Senate of Virginia

The lilly is a representation of my devotion to Our Lady of Walsingham and can be found in the grant of arms to the College of Guardians of the Holy House (Walsingham).

Arms of the Sanctuary School which features the shield referenced above.

The actual grant of arms to the College of Guardians by the College of Arms in London.

Detail of the Holy House which can be found in the canton azure.

Finally, the motto.  I had three criteria for this: 1) must be deeply meaningful, 2) must be original, and 3) must be in German.  Since I fancy "all things English," and knowing that my armorial bearings would reflect this, I wanted to ensure that Krouse-German heritage was honored.  "Ich Mache Recht," or simply "I make right," was the end result.  I could have an entire post on the deeply meaningful statement of how I make things right in my life.  I'll spare the reader.  I'm very happy with the design of the crest and its representation of me.  Now, if only I could come to some agreement on the blazon of the shield.  More to come.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Collect for the Society of Jesus Compassionate

Almighty and ever-living God, you sent your Son Jesus Christ to bring compassion to those who are far off, and to those who are near: Raise up the Society of Jesus Compassionate to share your compassion with those we meet on the journey; prosperous us with your blessing, and inspire us to open our hearts and minds by the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, that through our words and actions, your Holy Spirit may empower us to share your healing grace as Christ's presence in the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and forever. AMEN.

We collaborated on designing this collect for use in the Daily Office.  I wanted to bring in the feel of the Collect for Mission found in The Book of Common Prayer, hence the "far off and near" bit.  I also shamelessly borrowed, "prosperous us with your blessing," from the collect of the Community of the Resurrection (CR).  As most know, collect writing follows a rather particular set of rules in order to design and structure the prayer.  I, for one, feel it will serve as a daily reminder of our vows and our common task. 

Additionally, we are hashing out the particulars for the Society's seal which one can see a draft above.  The idea was to deconstruct the shield of The Episcopal Church by implementing St. Andrew's cross with four crosslets to signify the four founders.  The Sacred Heart image is going to be tweaked a bit.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New Foundations: the Society of Jesus Compassionate

It was a long and storied road that brought together four men in Washington, DC for the Feast of St. Columba.  Following much discernment and prayer, these four professed vows during a simple eucharist in order to establish the Society of Jesus Compassionate (SJC).  Our rule is simple.  Our vows were simple.  We vowed to one another and to the Episcopal Church--to uphold the doctrine, discipline, and worship of her.  Nothing fussy, nothing overly romantic, simply four brothers promising to one another to be in community with Christ as the center.  We are one priest and three lay brothers.    

It was a long process for me to consider this new enterprise; I fully stand in support of those seeking to live the common life in Christ under vows.  Moreover, I appreciate the genuine love and intentionality of my new SJC brothers.  Our new habits will be unveiled when we gather for our winter retreat in Augusta, Georgia.  Already, we have received many prayers and supporters from within the Church. 

I ask your prayers for us as we journey together towards Emmaus.  We live in Atlanta, Baltimore, Richmond, and Washington, DC.  We are aware of the challenges posed by a dispersed community, but feel a deeper bond by our common experience in Christ.  What joy!  What an amazing journey.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ode to the Hill: An Appreciation

Ode to the Hill: An Appreciation

There buried within the brown-red bricks lies stories of old,
Boys sojourning to the light with youthful bravado bold,
Ne’er to be forgotten with haste most go,
Nestling within their pencil’d minds whilst they sow.

Inside these storied halls rooted upon hallowed grounds,
Lies a simple truth that mystic time resounds,
That as boys grow to become men,
The plight whose soul revolves over and again.

Always shall the kiln'd clay stand to test,
What most young fear when pressed:
That knowledge boasts an eternal bliss,
Rightly favored by fortune’s sweetly kiss.