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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Founding the Sewanee Society of OLW

This coming Monday, November 30th (the Feast of St. Andrew), we will be founding the Sewanee Society of Our Lady of Walsingham here at The School of Theology.  We are proposing an inclusive devotional group which aims to promote and sustain conversations in our community about the proper role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the life of the Church.

We have no formal connection to the Shrine in Walsingham, because we are including women priests and seminarians in our membership and leadership. My own personal goal for this, is to help undo the baggage that has been heaped upon Walsingham by various factions in the Church.

I am amazed at the response from our student body and our alumni, many are very interested in this endeavor and want to be apart of it!  Thanks be to God!  While the idea had been generated last school year, it simply took some time before the seeds could sprout roots.  Hopefully, this new group will be here to stay as a positive symbol of Our Lady in the life of faith for The Episcopal Church.


Anonymous said...

Check your email, I sent you the theological statement I was telling you about.

Dr. Chad M. Krouse said...

Got it! Thank you very much, it will be most helpful.

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