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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Earth Day Liturgy: The Green Collects

For Earth Day 2009, I've written a liturgy that a group of brother seminarians and I will be leading next Wednesday, April 22nd.  Titled, "This Fragile Earth:  A Christian Celebration of Earth Day," I wanted to use Anglican formation but original prayers and so forth.

Below are the aptly named, "Green Collects" that will be prayed. These prayers can be downloaded from here without copyright, use them and pray for this fragile earth, our island home!

If you would like a copy of the whole service to reproduce for local use, please e-mail me and I'll send you a copy.

The Green Collects for Earth Day 2009

O God of the forest, you bring forth life in the trees, the birds of the air, and every creature who lives under the canopy of your protection:  enable us to conserve the beauty of this land for our children and our children’s children, that we celebrate the mystery of your loving creation and seek to do it justice in our every day lives, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Christ of the seas, your fish and water-life creatures show us ways to live in a world that is deeply connected to our own:  grant that we may not take more than we need, and that we are always thankful for the abundance that you provide and so we remain not greedy but ever gracious towards your creation, through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Creator God of the dome of the sky, you brought forth birds to fly, the sun to warm us by day, rain to nourish and refresh the soil, and the moon and stars to shine brightly at night:  we beseech you to help us preserve clean air to sustain our life.  May we reduce our pollution of harmful gases that harm your wonderful creation so that we may be take in the breath of your saving Holy Spirit each and every day, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Almighty God, through the gift of baptism we are marked as your own in this world and called to proclaim your love to the ends of the earth: give us the strength and courage to be modern day prophets for your creation, that we may behold the gifts of joy and wonder in all your works; through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.  Amen


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