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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Published Poet

I received word today from the editors at Anglican Digest that a poem of mine is to be published in their next edition.  Funny thing, I submitted it over a year ago and completely forgot about it!  I wrote this in February 2008 as I was preparing a sermon on the Feast of the Transfiguration.  I liked the idea of us--we, the Body of Christ--being bread to the world.  Admittedly, though, it is not my favorite poem or even my best work.  It's always interesting to see what others think of your work.  Nonetheless, after several various submissions, I can now claim to be a published poet!  

These Transfigured Loaves
by Chad M. Krouse

O Jesus,
your body for us:
taken, blessed, broken, and given. 

We, O Lord, are yours.
Come, O Come we sing:
The light that transfigures us
turns us into bread for your world. 

It returns to you not empty, but 
fills hungry mouths with insatiable

We too, O Lord, are loaves taken, blessed,
broken, and given to the world. 
We lay our sacrifice upon your altar
and all creation rejoices with you.
For we are bread.