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Thursday, April 23, 2009

This Fragile Earth: A Christian Celebration of Earth Day 2009 at The School of Theology, Sewanee

Yesterday, the Seminary Sustainability Committee led its first Earth Day service in front of the Seminary's Chapel of the Apostles (pictured above).  We had twenty in attendance and we were pleased with the efforts to get the word out.  Most importantly, our Liturgics Professor showed up and we felt like we got the ultimate compliment on our service!

Here's one of the opening prayers from our service.

O God, by the mystery of the Resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ, you have made us all part of your new creation in the Kingdom of God.  Grant that as we, who profess your faith, may be good stewards and caretakers of this fragile earth, our island home: where we may be steadfast in preserving your creation for generations to come.  All this we ask through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

We're already thinking about next year.  I see this moving in "baby steps," which is why I'm okay with our turnout.  You have to start somewhere and work with what you have.  Moving from here, I feel certain we'll grow our efforts and yield even greater fruit next year. 


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